Epic school plus

Popular, just-right books for all kids.

Thousands of Titles

Access award-winning fiction that supports SEL, plus thousands of nonfiction books in STEM, science, math, history and more.

Engaging Formats

Graphic novels, motion comics, audiobooks and educational videos get any kid excited to read and learn.

All Levels

Read-To-Me books empower independent reading at any reading level. Chapter books challenge more advanced readers.


In addition to English titles, our library includes Spanish-, French- and Chinese-language books and videos.

Experience the difference with Epic School Plus.

Books & Videos
Read-To-Me & Audiobooks
Offline Reading
Class Reports
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Epic School Plus
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  • Free Mon–Fri, 7am–3pm
  • 20K+ Books & Videos
Read-To-Me & Audiobooks
Offline Reading
Class Reports
Epic School Plus
  • Available anytime
  • 40K+ Books & Videos
  • Price upon request
Read-To-Me & Audiobooks
Offline Reading
Class Reports
Epic publishers
+ hundreds of other top publishers!

Features that empower teachers & students.

Reading Badges | Epic

Reading Badges

Keep students coming back to read with fun badges that celebrate reading time, frequency, topics and more.
Daily 20 | Epic

Daily 20

Help students establish a daily reading habit. Teachers can easily assign and share books, then track daily and weekly reading in their educator dashboard.
ELA Tools | Epic

ELA Tools

Filter titles by AR, DRA, F&P, grade level and more. Quizzes test reading comprehension. Dictionary Lookup helps build vocabulary.
Collections | Epic


Create and share curated book collections. Or choose from thousands of existing collections created by Epic or other teachers.
Epic school plus
Epic publishers

My students always want to take Epic home with them to keep reading and enjoying books after school. I love that this new product makes that possible!”

— Hannah Irion-Frake
3rd Grade Teacher

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Epic school plus
Epic school plus

Epic Originals

These popular books are created with input from educational experts and packed with social-emotional themes. Explore 350+ books from 40+ exclusive series—only on Epic.


We’re here for you!

On top of our reading platform, we’ve created tons of resources to help you succeed.

Book Video Tutorials | Epic

Video Tutorials

Bite-sized snippets on everything you need to get started on Epic.

Download Presentations & Flyers | Epic

Downloads & Printables

Presentations and flyers for family literacy night, conferences and more.

Celebrate Book Reading In Class | Epic

Just for fun

Activity calendars and other fun extras to celebrate reading in your class.

Get inspired with the Epic blog.

Discover tips, ideas, book lists and more for educators and families.

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At Epic, we promise to always protect your privacy and the privacy of your students. Read more about our Privacy Promise here.